Providing our ministers with a variety of resourcesfor a healthy life and ministry.
Are you a pastor experiencing a difficult season in life or ministry? You do not need to struggle alone. We have a team of caring elders (ministers) who are ready and willing to listen, pray and support you whenever you need. If you'd like to be connected with an elder please contact our Pastoral Care Assistant, Kim Wigestrand. You are also free to contact them directly and can find a complete list of our Elders by clicking here.
Elders are credentialed ministers with the Northwest Ministry Network who have a heart and passion to minister to ministers. They understand the joys and challenges of life in full time ministry. Any NWMN minister or minister family member for can reach out to them at any time. They are not involved in pastoral discipline. Their primary function is to simply listen, counsel, and pray with you. You can talk with the assurance that what is shared will be kept totally confidential. The only exceptions to this policy are in the case of child abuse or threat of violence to self or others. Should this occur, elders will report such information appropriately. You can depend on our Elders in your time of need.
Elders may serve as interim pastors or guest speakers for churches that are between pastors.
Elders represent the network leadership team at many meaningful events such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals, pastoral installations, hospital visits, building dedications, and baby dedications.
We believe that healthy pastors lead healthy churches. Our Counseling Network is a resource to serve our pastors and their families.
The NWMN provides counseling referrals to ministers and immediate family members. For a list of counselors in your community, please contact our Pastoral Care Assistant, Kim Wigestrand.
Are you a counselor and interested in becoming a part of our Christian Counselor Referral list? Click here to fill out our application form or for more information contact our Pastoral Care Assistant, Kim Wigestrand.
Struggling with sexual brokenness can begin a cycle of shame accompanied by isolation. There is help and hope for pastors who desire to live in freedom. Pure Desire provides a wide variety of resources for churches and pastors including:
Check out all that Pure Desire offers Contact Rodney Wright or Traci Wright for more information.
The NWMN desires to honor and support the widows of our credentialed ministers or widows who are credentialed ministers.
Our Elder, Joyce Williams, oversees our Widow’s ministry and is available to all of our widows for care, a listening ear and prayer. Each year our widows receive a birthday card and a Christmas gift. If you are a widow or know of a widow in need, please reach out to Joyce Williams.
Widow Coordinator
Many Assemblies of God ministers have served faithfully and sacrificially to build our Fellowship. Yet, may made so little during their ministries that today, in retirement, they need our help to meet their daily needs. The Aged-Ministers Assistance (AMA) is a branch of the Assemblies of God that provides assistance to those who need it most. Questions? Please reach out to Pastoral Care assistant, Kim Wigestrand.
Monthly Assistance & Medical Assistance
As ministers, you work hard to serve people. One of the challenges of ministry life is learning how to care for yourself so that you can lead from a healthy soul. Research suggests that the best way to thrive in ministry is to take time off for personal retreats and vacations. We hope these resources provide you with affordable options. So what are you waiting for? Carve out time on your calendar to unplug and replenish!
35131 SE Douglas St., Suite 200, Snoqualmie, WA 98065 o: (425) 888-4800 | f: (425) 888-4848