US Missions

Our Mission

U.S. Missions is focused on fulfilling the Great Commission in the United States through missionaries, chaplains and volunteers.


Our Vision

To establish a replication presence through its missionaries, chaplains and volunteers in every ethnic group, special needs group, and cultural environment in America to execute the Great Commission so that none perish.

Assemblies of God U.S. Missions


Andy Pursley

Associate Network Leader
Assistant Superintendent



Krystal Wornell

Administrative Assistant to Andy Pursley




AGUSM Missionary Team List


For more information and steps to becoming a U.S. Missionary visit the Assemblies of God U.S. Missions page.

To become a monthly partner, or give a one time gift, to our U.S. Missionaries, click here.


Chaplains serve law enforcement and fire personnel, the military, jails, airports, corporations, and sporting events throughout the Northwest and America. Through the ministry of presence, the mission of the Church and the message of the Gospel are carried out as chaplains provide compassionate care to lost and hurting people.



Chi Alpha is a movement on college campuses of students and leaders who are passionately following Christ. Their desire is to reconcile students to Christ, to equip them in prayer, fellowship, worship and discipleship through Spirit-filled communities on their campuses, the workplace and the world. For a list of Chi Alpha Campus Directors, click here and visit our regional Chi Alpha website.



The vision of intercultural ministries is to see diverse cultures of the Northwest connect to life-sustaining fellowship, care and resources, and to see churches cultivate rich, multicultural communities that will powerfully advance the kingdom of God among all peoples in the Northwest.



Christ-centered, faith-based holistic solutions for youth, adults, and families struggling with life-controlling problems, such as addiction. It seeks to help people to become emotionally balanced, mentally sound, socially adjusted, physcially well and spiritually alive.


35131 SE Douglas St., Suite 200, Snoqualmie, WA 98065
o: (425) 888-4800        |       f: (425) 888-4848