Executive Officer Transition



Completed January 14, 2025.

The Executive Presbytery meets and is appointed to serve as the NWMN Search Team. This team is led by the NWMN Network Leader. Nominating and election process is reviewed and key dates are established. This was completed January 14, 2025.

Completed January 22, 2025.

The Search Team opens the nominating process, establishes a website for communication and established dates by which nominations can be received. Receiving names in the nomination process is limited to one nominee per minister or church. All nominations will be received electronically through the website for a ten-day period, between January 22 and January 31.

Completed February 4, 2025.

Once the period of receiving names is completed, the list of names will be reviewed by the NWMN Search Team. At that point, any individual serving on the Search Team who has been nominated and wishes to allow their name to stand will be excused from further duty. If the number on the NWMN Search Team falls below seven members, other Search Team members will be appointed from the Network Presbytery.

The Search Team will respond to every individual nominated to confirm they indeed want to be considered or removed from the list. The Search Team will use questionnaires and interviews as a process for determining who should be presented to the Network Presbytery for further interviews. The Network Presbytery is allowed to consider candidates beyond those presented by the NWMN Search Team.

The Network Presbytery is charged with the duty of presenting to the NWMN in session, “one or more candidates”. The candidate or candidates will appear on the ballot, along with a line for a write in candidate. (Article VI. Section 10, NWMN Bylaws). All materials for each candidate will be presented to the NWMN ten-days prior to balloting.

Voting will happen at Network Conference during the Business Session Monday, April 28 at Noon


Open Nominations closed on January 31, 2025.




Team Member Transition 1-16-2025
Friday, January 17, 2025


NWMN Organizational Chart
Friday, January 17, 2025

Questions? Contact Ellaciac@nwministry.com 

35131 SE Douglas St., Suite 200, Snoqualmie, WA 98065
o: (425) 888-4800        |       f: (425) 888-4848